Solar energy is an important source for meeting the rising electricity demand, be it at the workplace, residential, recreation, or mobility. Simultaneously, to preserve the environment, greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, must be reduced. More energy from safe, renewable energy sources needs to be accessible to resolve these two competing needs.
As the renewable electricity dynamics are shifting, the transition from fossil energy to renewable energies is growing as more nations are looking to capitalize on renewables’ advantages and energy potential. Developing and industrialized countries are investing more in renewable energies hence a big rise in renewable energy use. As investment in renewables is growing, the green energy economy is developing. As oil prices have already started to rise in 2016, renewables are becoming cheaper than oil. The move helps to strengthen the competitive aspect of renewables, which threatens the position of fossil energy derivatives.
On the other hand, Amazon bypassed Google and Facebook by 0.9% in 2020 as the biggest green energy buyers. Amazon has purchased,7.5 gigawatts and in 2020, the company entered into 35 energy purchase agreements. Given the global pandemic and the economic recession, 2020 was a turbulent year, all related to the lack of national climate change leadership. Companies should purchase more solar energy, provided that the nation will get its arms around the coronavirus and boost its financial prospects.
Renewable energy has become an American tale of progress. As per Clean Jobs America 2020, when businesses invest in renewable energy, the move will contribute to jobs: employment in the field has risen by 10.4 percent since 2015. Before COVID, more than 3.3 million individuals worked in these cleantech industries. The pandemic, however, has eaten into those possibilities. And the U.S. has maintained its speed amid the figures that advanced technology has put on the ledger.
Additionally, according to Jonas Rooze, corporations have access to affordable clean energy globally more than ever before. Also, businesses go green, and doing so leads to economic sense. It is fantastic for their labels as well. The Oxford Smith School of Business and the Environment studied the issue and found that the most successful way to nurture an economy back to life is to invest in renewable technology. Projects for clean energies and advanced power grids will provide the best medicine, and also offer a long-term return on investment for those efforts.